Mission Support Opportunities
Within Mission Support, there are a variety of management, administrative and professional opportunities (MAP) available. Located at TSA’s headquarters or in the field, these positions primarily exist in four main categories:
- Communications and Social Science
- Business, Legal, Finance and Human Resources
- Medical, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) and Safety
- Compliance
- Cyber
Within each category, you will find a list of series. According to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Handbook of Occupational Groups and FamiliesHandbook of Occupational Groups and Families, a series is a subdivision of an occupational group or job family consisting of positions similar to specialized lines of work and qualification requirements. Series are designated by a title and number such as the Accounting Series (0510), the Secretary Series (0318) and the Microbiology Series (0403).
The Communications positions within this category focus on the communication of information and ideas through verbal, visual or pictorial means. The Social Sciences positions are responsible for advising, administering, supervising or performing research, scientific work, subordinate technical work or related clerical work in one or more social sciences. The series within this category include:
- Public Affairs (1035)
- Writing and Editing (1082)
- General Arts and Information (1001)
- Economics (0110)
- Psychology (0180)
Public Affairs (1035)
Positions in this series advise TSA management on policy formulation and public reaction and carry out public communication requirements to share policy decisions. The work includes identifying communication needs and developing informational materials on the agency's policies, programs, services and activities. Additional responsibilities within this series include planning, executing and evaluating the effectiveness of TSA’s communication in furthering agency goals. Employees must be skilled in written and oral communication, analysis and interpersonal relations.
Roles include: Public Affairs Specialist, Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist
Writing and Editing (1082)
These positions involve writing and editing TSA materials such as reports, regulations, articles, newsletters, magazines, news releases, training materials, brochures, interpretive handbooks, pamphlets, guidebooks, scholarly works, reference works, speeches or scripts. The work requires the acquisition, development, analysis and selection of appropriate information before presenting it at an appropriate level for the intended audience.
Roles include: Writer-Editor, Editor, Supervisory Writer-Editor
General Arts and Information (1001)
This series covers all positions where the duties are to administer, supervise or perform: (1) any combination of work characteristic of two or more series in this group where: (a) no one type of work is series controlling; (b) the paramount qualification requirements are not characteristic of another series in the group; (c) the combination of work is not specifically provided for in another series or (2) other work typical of this group for which no other series has been established.
Roles include: Communication Specialist, Media Communications Specialist
Economics (0110)
These positions require an extensive, professional knowledge of economics. Duties may include research into economic phenomena, analysis of economic data and the preparation of interpretive reports. Economics employees also offer consultation on economic matters to government officials, private organizations and citizens, in addition to the performance of other professional work in the various economics programs of the federal government.
Roles include: Economist, Supervisory Economist
Psychology (0180)
Psychology positions involve professional work relating to the behavior, capacities, traits, interests and activities of TSA employees. This work may involve any one or a combination of the following functions:
1. Experimenting with or systematically observing subjects to develop scientific principles concerning the relationship of behavior to factors of environment, experience and physiology or to develop practical applications of findings.
2. Applying professional knowledge of psychological principles, theories, methods and data to practical situations and problems.
3. Providing consultative services or training in psychological principles, theories, methods and techniques to advance knowledge of them and their appropriate use.
Roles include: Personnel Psychologist, Engineering Psychologist, Supervisory Personnel Psychologist
This category includes positions that require a wide range of professional disciplines and skillsets. Duties in this series vary from administrative and secretarial work to accounting and financial management, legal counsel and more. The series within this category include:
- Government Information Administration (0306)
- Administrative Assistance (0303)
- Program Assistance (0344)
- Program Analysis (0343)
- Program Management (0340)
- Miscellaneous Administration (0301)
- Contracting (1102)
- Realty Specialist (1170)
- Property and Procurement Management (1101)
- Finance (0501)
- Accounting (0510)
- Budget Analysis (0560)
- Legal Clerical and Assistance (0986)
- General Attorney (0905)
- Legislative Affairs (0301)
- Human Resources Management (0201)
- Human Resources Assistance (0203)
Government Information Administration (0306)
These positions are responsible for administering, analyzing, supervising or performing work involved in establishing, disseminating or managing government information. Employees formulate policy, advise agency management and ensure compliance with federal laws governing the flow of information. The work also includes the safeguarding of government information while supporting accountability and transparency.
Roles include: Government Information Specialist, Supervisory Government Information Specialist, Expert Privacy Officer
Administrative Assistance (0303)
The duties of these positions include performing or supervising clerical, assistant or technician work. Employees must have knowledge of procedures and techniques involved in carrying out work of an organization and the application of procedures and practices within the framework of established TSA guidelines.
Roles include: Administrative Assistant
Program Assistance (0344)
This series covers positions involved in supervising or performing clerical and technical work in support of management analysis and program analysis —the evaluation and improvement of organization efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. The work requires a practical knowledge of the purposes, methods and techniques of management/program analysis and the structures, functions, processes, objectives, products, services, resource requirements and similar features of government programs and organizations.
Roles include: Program Assistant, Management Assistant
Program Analysis (0343)
These positions primarily serve as analysts and advisors on the evaluation of the effectiveness of TSA programs and operations. Employees must have professional knowledge in the following areas:
- The substantive nature of TSA programs and activities
- TSA’s missions, policies and objectives
- Management principles and processes
- The analytical and evaluative methods and techniques for assessing program development and efficiency
Some positions also require an understanding of basic budgetary and financial management principles and techniques as they relate to long-range planning of programs and objectives. Skill requirements including the application of fact-finding and investigative techniques, oral and written communications and development of presentations and reports.
Roles include: Program Analyst, Management and Program Analyst, Supervisory Program Analyst
Program Management (0340)
This series covers all classes of positions in which the duties are to manage or direct, or to assist in a line capacity in managing or directing one or more programs, including appropriate supporting service organizations when the paramount qualification `requirement of the positions is management, executive knowledge and ability. This series also includes when the positions do not require competence in a specialized subject-matter or functional area.
Roles include: Program Manager, Supervisory Program Manager, Assistant Federal Security Director, Federal Security Director
Miscellaneous Administration (0301)
TSA offers a variety of miscellaneous administrative positions. The work requires analytical ability, judgment, discretion and knowledge of a substantial body of administrative or program principles, concepts, policies and objectives.
Roles include: Supervisory Legislative Affairs Specialist, Senior Advisor, Administrative Specialist, Program Specialist, Supervisory Program Specialist, Scheduling Operations Officer, Executive Assistants, Staff Assistants
Contracting (1102)
This series includes positions that manage, supervise, perform or develop policies and procedures for professional work across a variety of areas. Areas may include:
- The procurement of supplies, services and construction
- Research and development using formal advertising or negotiation procedures
- The evaluation of contract price proposals
- The administration or termination and close out of contracts
Employees must have professional knowledge of the legislation, regulations and methods used in contracting, business and industry practices, sources of supply, cost factors and requirements characteristics.
Roles include: Contract Specialist, Supervisory Contract Specialist
Realty Specialist (1170)
The primary duties in this area include performing, advising, planning and/or directing in the acquisition of real property and/or the management of real property in:
- The administration of federally-owned, Native American-owned, leased or consigned space/property
- Preparation for disposal
- Disposal of real property
Employees must have a knowledge of real estate laws, principles, practices and markets.
Roles include: Real Estate Specialist, Supervisory Real Estate Specialist
Property and Procurement Management (1101)
This series covers all classes of positions the duties of which are to administer, supervise or perform: (1) any combination of work characteristic of two or more series in this group where no one type of work is series controlling and where the combination is not specifically included in another series; or (2) other work properly classified in this group for which no other series has been provided.
Roles include: Procurement Specialist, Supervisory Procurement Specialist, Property Management Specialist, Facilities Operations Specialist, Facilities Manager, Contract Administrative Specialist
Finance (0501)
This series covers positions that perform, supervise or manage administrative work of a fiscal, financial management, accounting or budgetary nature.
Roles include: Financial Specialist, Supervisory Financial Specialist
Accounting (0510)
These positions advise on or administer, supervise or perform professional accounting work. Employees must have the ability to apply accounting theories, concepts, principles and standards to TSA financial activities.
Roles include: Accountant, Supervisory Accountant
Budget Analysis (0560)
Employees in these positions perform, advise on or supervise work in any of the phases of budget administration when the work requires budget-related laws, regulations, policies, precedents, methods and techniques.
Roles include: Budget Analyst, Supervisory Budget Analyst
Legal Clerical and Assistance (0986)
This series covers administrative support positions that supervise, lead or perform legal assistance work. The work requires specialized knowledge of processes, procedures and practices to support legal activities.
Roles include: Legal Assistant
General Attorney (0905)
These are professional legal positions involved in preparing cases for trial and/or the trial of cases before a court or an administrative body or persons having quasi-judicial power. They are also responsible for rendering legal advice and services with respect to questions, regulations or practices; preparing interpretative and administrative orders, rules or regulations to give effect to the provisions of governing statutes or other requirements of law; and all other legal-related duties.
Roles include: Attorney, Attorney Advisor, Supervisory Attorney Advisor
Legislative Affairs (0301)
These are professional positions involved in developing, strategizing, coordinating and monitoring of TSA’s legislative issues and activities.
Roles include: Legislative Affairs Specialist, Senior Legislative Affairs Specialist, Supervisory Legislative Affairs Specialist, Legislative Director
Human Resources Management (0201)
This series covers administrative positions that manage, supervise, administer, advise or deliver Human Resources (HR) Management products or services. The series may include but is not limited to the following specialties:
- Information Systems
- Classification
- Recruitment and Placement
- Employee Benefits
- Employee Relations
- Labor Relations
Roles include: Human Resources Specialist, Supervisory Human Resources Specialist
Human Resources Assistance (0203)
This series covers administrative support positions that supervise, lead or provide assistance for HR work. Employees must have substantial knowledge of civilian and/or military HR terminology, requirements, procedures, operations, functions and regulatory policy and procedural requirements applicable to HR transactions.
The work does not require the broad knowledge of federal HR systems or the depth of knowledge about HR concepts, principles and techniques that are characteristic of the recognized HR specialist positions in the Human Resources Management series.
Roles include: The Human Resources Assistant.
This category focuses on professional positions in the medical/health, science, technology, engineering, mathematics and safety fields. The series within this category include:
- Medical Officer (0602)
- Health Physics (1306)
- Engineering (0801)
- Cybersecurity and IT Management (2210)
- Operations Research (1515)
- Statistics (1529)
- Safety and Occupational Health Management (0018)
Medical Officer (0602)
These positions advise on, administer, supervise or perform professional and scientific work in one or more fields of medicine. Positions are classifiable to this series when the nature of duties and responsibilities is such that the degree of Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathy is a fundamental requirement. Most positions in this series require a current license to practice medicine and surgery in a State or Territory of the United States or in the District of Columbia.
Roles include: Medical Officer, Supervisory Medial Officer
Health Physics (1306)
This series includes positions that require application of professional knowledge and competence in health physics, which is concerned with the protection of persons and their environment from unwarranted exposure to ionizing radiation.
Roles include: Health Physicist, Supervisory Health Physicist
Engineering (0801)
This series covers positions managing, supervising, leading, and/or performing professional engineering and scientific work.
Roles include: General Engineer
Cybersecurity and IT Management (2210)
These positions manage, supervise, lead, administer, develop, deliver and support information technology (IT) systems and services. Employees must have knowledge of IT principles, concepts and methods such as data storage, software applications, networking and more.
Roles include: IT Specialist, Supervisory IT Specialist
Operations Research (1515)
This includes positions that manage, supervise, lead or perform scientific work that involves designing, developing and adapting mathematical, statistical, econometric and other scientific methods and techniques. The primary requirement of the work is competence in the rigorous methods of scientific inquiry. It also involves analyzing management problems and providing advice and insight about the probable effects of alternative solutions to these problems.
Roles include: Operations Research Analyst, Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
Statistics (1529)
This series covers positions that manage, supervise, lead or perform scientific work that involves designing, developing and adapting mathematical methods and techniques to statistical processes; or research that relates to the basic theories and science of statistics.
Roles include: Statistician
Safety and Occupational Health Management (0018)
This includes any positions that involve the management, administration or operation of a safety and occupational health program. It also includes the development, implementation and evaluation of the performance of administrative work concerned with safety and occupational health activities.
Roles include: Safety and Occupational Health Specialist, Occupational Safety and Health Manager
This category includes a variety of opportunities that vary from training to intelligence to security specializations and more. The series within this category include:
- Transportation Security Specialist (1801)
- Transportation Assistance (2102)
- Security Assistance (0086)
- Personnel Security (0080)
- Intelligence (0132)
- Training Specialists and Instructors (1712,1750)
Transportation Security Specialist (1801)
- Supervises, leads and/or performs inspection, investigation, enforcement or compliance work.
- Applicable when the work of the position is:
- Covered by two or more administrative occupations in the General Inspection, Investigation, Enforcement, and Compliance Group (1800) and no one occupation predominates, and/or
- Consistent with this occupational group but not covered by an established series in the 1800 group.
Roles include: Transportation Security Specialist, Supervisory Transportation Security Specialist, Supervisory Inspections Specialist
Transportation Assistance (2102)
- Supervises or performs work to arrange transportation for passengers or personal property by Government or commercial means, in addition to any other actions in connection with the movement of freight.
- Supports other transportation work not covered by another one-grade interval series in the Transportation Group (e.g., fleet management, safety or regulatory program support, quality control and inspection, carrier performance evaluation or transportation report analysis and preparation).
- Has practical knowledge of the regulations and methods governing traffic management or transportation programs.
Roles include: Transportation Assistant
Security Assistance (0086)
- Supervises or performs clerical and assistant tasks in support of established security programs (e.g., personnel, physical, information or industrial security).
- Has general administrative and/or clerical skills, practical knowledge of specific security objectives, programs, methods and procedures and carrying out support tasks related to security administration.
Roles include: Coordination Center Officer, Supervisory Coordination Center Officer
Personnel Security (0080)
- Conducts analytical, planning, advisory and operational work.
- Performs evaluative work with its principal purpose being the development and implementation of policies, procedures, standards, training and methods for identifying and protecting information, personnel, property, facilities, operations or material from unauthorized disclosure, misuse, theft, assault, vandalism, espionage, sabotage or loss.
- Manages supervision or performance of work in:
1. Developing, evaluating, maintaining and/or operating systems, policies, devices, procedures and methods used for safeguarding information, property, personnel, operations and materials, and
2. Developing and implementing policies and procedures for analyzing and evaluating the character, background and history of employees, candidates for employment and other persons having or proposed to be granted access to classified or other sensitive information, materials or work sites.
Roles include: Security Specialist, Physical Security Specialist, Personnel Security Specialist
Intelligence (0132)
- Advises on, administers, supervises or performs work in the collection, analysis, evaluation, interpretation and dissemination of information on political, economic, social, cultural, physical, geographic, scientific or military conditions, trends and forces in foreign and domestic areas that directly or indirectly affect the national security.
- Possesses basic knowledge and understanding of one or more of the natural or social sciences, engineering or military science
Roles include: : Intelligence Operations Specialist, Supervisory Intelligence Operations Specialist
Training Specialists and Instructors (1712, 1750)
- Conducts professional work primarily in the field of education and training when the work is not more appropriately covered by another professional series in this or any other group.
- Works with characteristics that may be identified with more than one professional education series with none predominant.
- Possesses a combination of professional knowledge bases not specifically covered by another series.
- Specializes in a professional field not readily identifiable with other existing series in this or any other group.
Roles include: Training Instructor, Supervisory Training Instructor and Instructional Systems Specialist
This category includes a variety of opportunities that are ideal for individuals looking to work in the cyber intelligence/cybersecurity field. Careers vary from cyber analysts to information technology to vulnerability assessment. The series within this category include:
- Cyber Intelligence Analyst
- Transportation Security Specialist
- Information Technology Specialist
- Transportation Security Inspector
Cyber Intelligence Analyst
- Conducts analysis of strategic cyber threats to US transportation and TSA systems using intelligence, information, and operational reporting.
- Produces analytic threat products, including finished intelligence assessments, reports of current and past cyber activity of significance, and threat briefings to support government leaders and industry members in their ability to make informed risk mitigation decisions, and understand enterprise and systemic risk.
Transportation Security Specialist
- Contributes to defining the desired state of cybersecurity policy.
- Develops policy processes through examining risks facing the various modes of surface transportation (e.g., mass transit, railroad, highway/motor carrier, and pipeline systems).
- Assists in designing policies appropriate for the level of risks.
- Analyzes industry/cross-industry best practices and cybersecurity standards.
- Assists in developing key mitigation policies that are designed to reduce risks to the nation's critical cyber infrastructure.
- Roles include:
- Transportation Security Specialist (Cyber Analyst) (SV-1801-G/I)
- Transportation Security Specialist (Cyber Analyst) (SV-1801-J)
- Supervisory Transportation Security Specialist (Cybersecurity) (SV-1801-K)
Information Technology Specialist
- Manages and maintains coordination of activities designed to identify, protect and mitigate against cyber-attacks or unauthorized intrusions to network.
- Controls systems, services and capabilities across the surface transportation sector.
- Plans, coordinates and implements activities designed to identify, protect and mitigate against cyber-attacks or unauthorized intrusions to IT systems, services and capabilities across the surface transportation sector.
- Serves as the Surface IT Specialist providing support of the information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) security infrastructure and cybersecurity operations, engineering, operational and support processes.
- Ensures the full implementation of Surface Operations cybersecurity programs and initiatives.
- Roles include:
- Supervisory Information Technology Specialist
- Information Technology Specialist
Transportation Security Inspector
- Administers critical and complex structured oversight, regulatory oversight, and other security engagement programs designed to protect and increase the resiliency of the complex, interconnected transportation network made up of mass transit, passenger and freight rail, over the- road bus and motor carrier operations, pipelines, freight rail hazardous materials shippers/receivers and maritime facilities.
- Ensures security compliance of persons and transportation systems/entities regulated under all applicable Title 49 Codes of Federal Regulation (CFRs), Security Directives (SDs), etc.
- Supervises and oversees the planning, development, implementation, administration, and evaluation of critical transportation Inspection programs for compliance by transportation systems regulated under Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs), Security Directives (SDs), etc.
- Roles include:
- Supervisory Information Technology Specialist
- Information Technology Specialist
Hiring Process
We've outlined the hiring process to show what you can expect. If you have any questions along the way, you can reach out to human resources or the point of contact listed on each Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA).
Complete and Submit Application*
When you find a position that interests you, create an account on USAJOBSUSAJOBS and submit your application and resume. Learn more about how to create an account, submit your resume and more on our Federal Hiring Process page.

If you’re among the candidates who are referred to the hiring official, you may be contacted for an in-person or telephone interview. Certain positions require a structured interview as part of the candidate evaluation process.

Clearances and Evaluations
After the interview stage, you’ll need to pass a background check and potentially other evaluations. See the specific job opportunity announcement (JOA) for information about specific requirements.

* There are special hiring processes for certain Mission Support roles (direct-hire authority) and for veterans, students and individuals with disabilities. Visit our Federal Hiring Process page or OPM.govOPM.gov to learn more.
- U.S. citizen or national
- At least 18 years of age
- One or more years of related, specialized work experience OR a 4-year degree
- National service experience and/or volunteer work
- Background investigation and security clearance (depending on position)
- Selective Service registration ( learn morelearn more )

Chris talks about how he was able to work his way up from a TSO to a TSA Section Chief and why his 15-year career with the agency is so important to him.
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