Veterans' Preference
Veterans’ Preference gives eligible veterans an advantage during the hiring process. Family members may also be able to claim Veterans’ Preference if the veteran is unable. For example, when applying to a TSA job announcement that’s open to the general public, qualified veterans or their family members may be ranked and placed ahead of other applicants.
Please note that Veterans' Preference does not guarantee a job and it does not apply to internal agency actions such as promotions, transfers, reassignments and reinstatements. For additional information on eligibility for Veterans’ Preference, please visit FEDS HIRE VETS.FEDS HIRE VETS.

Disabled Veteran Leave
Disabled veteran leave supports veterans undergoing medical treatment for their service-connected disability. TSA provides a one-time credit of up to 104 hours of leave to disabled veterans rated at 30% or more, hired on or after November 5, 2016 for their first continuous 12-months of federal employment.

TSA Tenure
Veterans can count their service as part of their tenure at TSA, which has a positive impact on their annual leave accrual. Active-duty uniformed service is generally creditable for annual leave accrual purposes.* For example:
- With 3-15 years of military service, the annual leave accrual rate starts at 6 hours per pay period or 20 days** of leave per year (instead of 4 hours/13 days)
- With 15+ years of military service, the annual leave accrual rate starts at 8 hours per pay period or 26 days**of leave per year
As a veteran, you may also apply to other federal agency vacancies in competitive service agencies and receive retirement credit for military service once a deposit has been paid.
* The service must have ended honorably. There are restrictions to the amount of annual leave accrual credit military retirees receive for their active-duty service.
** Based on an 8-hour workday
Leave-Related Benefits Federal RetirementLeave-Related Benefits Federal Retirement

TSA Veteran Community Resources
TSA values and respects the contributions and continued service of our veterans and their families. We actively seek out opportunities within TSA and military communities to share information on veteran-related benefits and programs. And once hired, employees enjoy access to a number of useful veteran-specific resources.
Learn what it's like to transition from the military and how to build a successful career.
The People Of TSA
Hear straight from our employees about their roles and responsibilities, memorable experiences and what it’s like to work for TSA.